

欧美 其他 2021 


主演:斯科特·瑞安 Kenny Graham Chika Yasumura 贾斯汀·罗 



中间人先生第三季剧情: In season three, Ray’s world has contracted. Family life looks a little different as he quietly mourns the loss of Bruce, while figuring out how to care for his aging father, Bill (Kenny Graham). As Brittany (Chika Yasumura) grows into a young woman, she draws further away from Ray and comes closer to discovering the truth about who he really is. Things seem good with Gary (Justin Rosniak) and Dave (Matt Nable), however since severing ties with former boss and confidant Freddy (Damon Herriman), Ray is working freelance and feeling a sense of isolation. With business booming, a new connection with criminal kingpin Rafael (Jeremy Sims) intensifies Ray’s struggle and when sparks fly with new colleague Zoe (Emily Barclay), an unexpected tragedy makes Ray question both his career trajectory and his ethics.

中间人先生第三季豆瓣评分约5.0分,大家认为还行。星星影院于2022-02-26 12:34:47收藏的该片特辑,该片配音音色不错,字幕清晰,台词慷慨激昂,剧情发展比较有逻辑,娓娓道来,本站支持免VIP观看,希望大家喜欢,如果您被中间人先生第三季情绪感染或者有自己的观影评价,可以留言或弹幕评论哦。