

欧美 USA 2005 

导演:Tucker Gates 

主演:Elisabeth Harnois Grant Show Samuel Page 



天鹅人剧情:The sleepy town of Point Pleasant, New Jersey receives a new citizen after she is rescued from the ocean. Christina Nickson never knew her mother and is estranged from her father, and now finds herself in the residence of an unassuming family who have recently lost a daughter. What they don't know about Christina is something she doesn't know herself: she is the daughter of Satan. Baffled by the way strange things happen when she gets upset, Christina tries to live as normal a life as possible. When she discovers clues to her mother's identity in Point Pleasant she decides to stick around, unknowingly fulfilling a prophecy that the great war between heaven and hell will begin in the town. The war is inexorably on its way, but when it will start and what side Christina will choose when it does remain shrouded in doubt.

天鹅人豆瓣评分约10.0分,大家认为值得力荐。星星影院于2022-02-26 13:07:41收藏的该片特辑,该片配音音色不错,字幕清晰,台词慷慨激昂,剧情发展比较有逻辑,娓娓道来,本站支持免VIP观看,希望大家喜欢,如果您被天鹅人情绪感染或者有自己的观影评价,可以留言或弹幕评论哦。