

喜剧 英国 1960 


主演:Peter Sellers Robert Morley Constance Cu 




两性之争剧情:Classic British comedy adapted from a James Thurber story about a tweed manufacturer's elderly accountant who devises a plan to save the company from an American takeover bid. The arrival of an efficiency expert from the States causes enough of a stir but, when it turns out to be a woman, the old-fashioned number cruncher declares war. Man-eating businesswoman, Angela Barrows is sent by her US company to Edinburgh to investigate export opportunities. She meets businessman Robert MacPherson en route and he persuades her to help bring his company into the 20th century. The staff, lead by Mr. Martin, have other ideas and a battle between the old and new business methods breaks out.

两性之争豆瓣评分约4.0分,大家认为较差。星星影院于2024-02-19 21:41:02收藏的该片特辑,该片配音音色不错,字幕清晰,台词慷慨激昂,剧情发展比较有逻辑,娓娓道来,本站支持免VIP观看,希望大家喜欢,如果您被两性之争情绪感染或者有自己的观影评价,可以留言或弹幕评论哦。