

喜剧 美国 2021 

导演:John Lyde 

主演:特雷弗·多诺万 丹妮尔·查克兰 梅拉妮·斯通 杰克·斯托蒙 




失爱招领剧情:A shallow and slightly clueless social media influencer takes his girlfriend out to the wilderness with the intention of live-streaming the most epic proposal ever! But things take an unexpected turn after she slips off the edge of a cliff in order to get that perfect shot. It takes being separated in the wild and overcoming nature's obstacles for them both to realize they just might not meant for each other...while finding love in new, unexpected places-like an old flame turned Search and Rescue volunteer, and a capable female park ranger.

失爱招领豆瓣评分约8.0分,大家认为还不错。星星影院于2024-02-24 03:41:04收藏的该片特辑,该片配音音色不错,字幕清晰,台词慷慨激昂,剧情发展比较有逻辑,娓娓道来,本站支持免VIP观看,希望大家喜欢,如果您被失爱招领情绪感染或者有自己的观影评价,可以留言或弹幕评论哦。