

恐怖 美国 2018 


主演:塔拉·雷德 理查德·格里克 杰西卡·莫里斯 亚伦·格罗本 莎拉·弗伦奇 Mark 




亡灵艺术剧情:When Dylan Wilson purchases a collection of seven paintings to hang in his wealthy estate, he has no idea what horrors he has unleashed for himself, his wife; Gina, his college son; Louis, his teen-age daughter; Donna, and his two little kids. Only Father Mendale knows what evils lurk inside this deadly art and the history of Dorian Wilde; the artist who made a pact with dark forces when he created these paintings that represent the seven deadly sins. Now, anyone who comes in contact with these pictures are corrupted by Pride, Lust, Gluttony, Sloth, Greed, Envy, and Wrath. It's up to Father Mendale and Louis' girlfriend; Kim to save Dylan and his family before they are all destroyed by the Art of the Dead.

亡灵艺术豆瓣评分约9.0分,大家认为值得力荐。星星影院于2024-03-02 12:41:02收藏的该片特辑,该片配音音色不错,字幕清晰,台词慷慨激昂,剧情发展比较有逻辑,娓娓道来,本站支持免VIP观看,希望大家喜欢,如果您被亡灵艺术情绪感染或者有自己的观影评价,可以留言或弹幕评论哦。